Mixed Martial Arts Classes.


MMA1 - Beginner Course

A secluded beginners course where participants train two time per week for 4. weeks. The start date of each course is advertised on Instagram (@rvkmma) and on the homepage.

We go over the fundamentals in MMA; Wrestling, Kickbox and Nogi / Submission Grappling.

During the beginners course, all participants will have access to our 5. LotuForm strength and conditioning classes. Note, that all members do receive a 50% discount to all beginner classes.

All participants may join the Intermediate classes once they finish the beginners class.

Equipment: Shorts, shirts, mouthpiece. It is optional to bring MMA gloves and leg guards.

MMA1: Tuesday and Thursdays kl. 20:15



MMA2 - Intermediate Classes

All members that have completed a MMA1 beginners class can attend these classes.

Intermediate classes are designed for everyone that has a solid fundamental in MMA and wants to learn more techniques and further their knowledge.

We use combat drills and instructions regarding technical details to further our members understanding of the sport.

MMA2: Tuesdays and Thursdays. kl. 19:15

MMA3 - Advanced Classes

Once a member has obtained a sufficient knowledge and capabilities of the fundamental aspects of MMA he will be offered to join the MMA3 class for advanced practitioners.

Here we build upon the fundamental aspects of the previous class, but the classes are more intense and a meant for those to aim to compete in MMA.

MMA3: Tuesdays and Thursdays kl. 18:15

Coaches: Bjarki Þór Pálsson, Magnús Ingi Ingvarsson, Aron Kevinsson og Aron Leó Jóhansson.