Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is one of the most popular sports the world today.

The sport, in its essence, is about overcoming your opponent on the ground by using a variation of submission grips.

A match starts with both participants standing as they are thought to take the exchange down to the ground where they can advance their position and move into a dominant situation. From there they are thought specials grips to force your opponent into submission.

The sport is thought both in Gi and without the Gi, most people train both Go and No-Gi, although everyone has their preference which they focus more on.

Beginner classes are held regularly and their duration is either one month, week or one weekend. During the beginner classes an instructor will teach all the fundamental positions and submissions. After the beginner class, participants will be able to attend regular classes.

Note, that during this beginner period participants may join our strength and conditioning class (5.Lotuform)

Beginner classes are advertised on our website and Instagram.

Members will receive a 50% discount on beginner classes.

Classes in our timetable:

BJJ Gi sessions:

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays kl. 18:15

BJJ No gi tímar:

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays kl 12:10

  • Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays kl 17:15

  • Saturdays kl 12:10.

    Coaches: Bjarki Þór Pálsson, Hrafn Þráinsson, Ómar Örn Ómarsson og Andri Kristinsson.